Viking Air Claims is a Scandinavian based company providing Aviation Survey and Claim Adjusting


Both Gas Turbine Engines and Piston Engines have been our major interest. The interest has been supported by a training course at the University of California – Gas Turbine Accident Investigation, (together with many years of hand on experience OHC of Piston Engines).

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GAS Turbine Engine, Turbo Prop engine

It is Viking Air Claims experience that FOD is the most common cause of damage to these type of engines, therefore VAC often recommend Insurers a survey investigation. After review of strip-down report, and depending on findings by the repair facility, we determine what is related to the insurance incident, and what can be concluded wear and tear/corrosion/S.B iaw manufactures. Betterment calculations on life-limited parts are likewise import to keep in focus. VAC inspections have often reduced repair cost significantly.

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Piston Engine

is another area where VAC has great knowledge supported by training held by Rolls Royce in Crewe, England. Prop Strike is the most common reason for a workshop survey, where cracks often are found in crankshaft and crankcase. Many of these cracks have been recommended, “Opened” for further investigation often with a result that it were initiated long time before the Prop Strike.